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Palm Reader - Scan Your Future





版本需求:Android 4.0 以上版本



聯絡地址:Mango Technologies Pvt. Ltd. # 7 & # 8,27th Main Road, HSR Layout Sector-1, Bangalore-560 102 India

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖1)-速報App

★ Listed as top app in the Lifestyle category

★ Listed as top trending app and top 10 free apps

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖2)-速報App

★ Listed as top 10 free app on iPhone

★ Listed as top Lifestyle app on Windows Phone Market Place

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖3)-速報App

Your favorite app 'Palm Reader' is now also available for Tablets.

Did a sage from India record your entire life thousand years ago?

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖4)-速報App

Your hand is a map reflecting your personality, your past, and your personal potential.

Palm reader is designed to give you instant access to the ancient art of palmistry.

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖5)-速報App

Just look at your hand for insightful and beautiful prediction of your life pattern.

Using Palm Reader you will be glad to discover that, how easily you will able to give amazing character readings, and tell the fortune of your friends –simply and mysteriously from their hands.

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖6)-速報App


★★★★★ Very good- "I have a good life and I'm in love how do they know"- Playstore

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖7)-速報App

★★★★★ Excellent application- “Fun to read and evaluate” – Google Play

★★★★★ Amazing app..must download – “Love to read all info and its correct..that's amazing app..everyone should have this” - Google Play

Palm Reader - Scan Your Future(圖8)-速報App

It’s easy to learn and fun to do!

You'll learn how to interpret the length of the palm and fingers, the hand types, thumbs, marks on the fingers, the lines, fingernails, the mounts, and timing in the palm.

Palm Reader is the most simple and easy app for palmistry and astrology.

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